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"What is wrong with her ?" (Image by Pattymooney.)

The odd behavior of the massage therapist.

I was in a car accident a few months ago. As part of the post-operative rehabilitation, my doctor refereed me to a chiropractor. Part of the treatment I am receiving is massage therapy. The therapists are professional, pleasant and friendly.We would speak briefly about innocuous things. 

There is one girl that likes to ask indirect, information seeking questions. One day my phone fell put of my pocket onto the table,I was almost out to the parking lot when I discovered it missing. When i went back into the room to look for it, there she was scrolling through my phone! She said that she has one like it and she was checking to see if mine had the same features. I chuckled and said “I did not think that anyone under forty still had one of these old razor phones.” and I left it at that. I thought to myself “damn what a nosy little bitch.” 

On Tuesday one of the office staff photocopied something for me and put it in an envelope. I did not want it to get crushed in my pocket, so when I went in the room, I put it on top of the closet. After the session with the same girl, I forgot the envelope and returned for it a few minutes later. She was standing there holding the sheet I had been lying on up to her face with her eyes closed. Her eyes flew open and her face turned red when she saw me. I pretended not to notice anything unusual and said “I forgot the envelope” and retrieved it from the top of the closet.

I am not so conceited as to think that such an attractive young girl would be enamored of an overweight 44 year old guy with daughters her age. I am both amused and curious as I wonder, what is wrong with her ?