Library Has Few Books, But Many Massage Chairs

"I have no idea what this building is about."

As we fly headlong into a Gutenberg-free future, with tree-based books facing the ax, U.S. libraries are beginning to consider going book-less and reinventing themselves as community centers. But the national library in Brazil, the Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília, has already arrived at this point. There are hardly any books on the shelves, but Internet access and massage chairs are available. See photos of the library’s interior at the Longest Journey blog. An excerpt from the post:

“Biblioteca National de Brasilia Do take the offer of a tour… else you will end up completely baffled (like me). I have no idea what this building is about. It is very pretty… but a national library without books? It is all very Zen (well… there are a couple shelves of books but probably less than your local library…)” (Thanks Marginal Revolution.)