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"The best part is when you hold them, they will start going crazy to run away when they need to crap." (Image by Jan Tik.)

Bearded Dragons – $1 (Williamsburg)

I have three bearded Dragons, all of which I am selling due to time constraints. One is a female adult German Giant, the other two are juveniles, one being a silk back bearded dragon, and lastly a hypo. I will have pictures in a day, extensive ones. They include cages, decorations, bowls, food, lights, etc. The large female has never been bred but is ready for breeding. I was planning on taking her to a reptile show to pair her up but I don’t have the time anymore. All of these are tame, easily handled, well-tempered, and eat well. The best part is when you hold them, they will start going crazy to run away when they need to crap, giving you fair warning to put them (I use sink or bathtub) somewhere to do their business. This is because anytime I am home doing random chores I have them out and usually on me. When I am on the PC or watching TV as well. Most people don’t give this kind of handling time to their dragons (not that you really need to generally) but it is a bonus.