Listeria: Baseball Terminology From 1892

"Dirty Ball: A mean trick by a player in illegally interfering with an opposing player." (Image by Bain News Service.)

Taken from the 1892 Brooklyn Daily Eagle “Base Ball Glossary.”

  • The Box: The pitcher’s position.
  • Chase the Leather, or the Sphere: To run after the ball when batted to the field.
  • Corker: A fast, hard hit ball sent to the field by the batsmen.
  • Daisy Cutter: A ball knocked by a batsman that goes at a rapid rate through the grass.
  • Died on Base: When a base runner is on a base and the third man on his side is put out.
  • Dirty Ball: A mean trick by a player in illegally interfering with an opposing player.
  • Fan: An enthusiast who talks base ball incessantly.
  • Fumble: When a player fails to a catch a ground ball, but fumbles it after stopping it.
  • Garden: The entire field.
  • Hot One: When the ball, on being hit hard, travels very fast.
  • Rap Out: To bat out the ball.
  • Stick Work: Batting.
  • Twirler: Pitcher.
  • Yellow Ball: Poor playing.