One Of The Many Reasons Why The Huffington Post Should Never Be Taken Too Seriously

Arianna Huffington: I hope this story about my friend Al Gore and the masseuse has a happy ending.

The left-leaning Huffington Post spent the past day burying the story that liberal icon Al Gore allegedly sexually abused a massage therapist. At first there was a link to the AP piece about it at the very bottom of the Politics page, but that was gone by the next day and the story was never moved to the Front Page. You could say that the site didn’t want to give coverage to unproven allegations, but it does so all the time with other public figures. An example occurred just yesterday when similarly unproven charges of sexual abuse against baseball player Johan Santana were placed midway on the Front Page and still had a link at bottom of that page today. And does anyone believe that the Gore story wouldn’t have been a screaming headline if a right-wing political figure had been linked to similar wrongdoings?

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