Time Waster: You Will Never Get Back The Hours You Waste on PacXon


Giant Pacman: Looks like the bastard love child of the Kool-Aid Picher and Jocelyn Wildenstein.

In the annals of online time wasters, the Pacman variation game PacXon ranks high. It’s the most-played selection in the history of the Addicting Games arcade category. As with most successful time wasters, the game’s premise is invitingly simple: You have to use your Pacman-ish creature to chew up 80% of the game board’s segments. You can win bonus lives by reaching certain scores and you lose lives by making contact with the ghosts. The number of ghosts you must avoid increases with each new grid you encounter. At any rate, these will be moments of your life you will never get back. Enjoy your wasted time.