Craigslist Update: Stolen Bronx Puggle Who Was Sold For Heroin Is Found!

I'm back home with Mama! Now if we could only locate my missing testicles.

Our long national nightmare is over: Peanut Butter, the Bronx Puggle who was stolen and sold for heroin, has been found. I swear I’m not making this shit up. The new post from Craigslist:

Stolen Puggle Found! (Bronx)

I’ve been posting here for a few weeks about PeanutButter, my puggle that my mom sold for heroin. After many days and nights of crying, our journey is finally over. PeanutButter has been recovered, and he’s back home safe and sound! Thank you to everyone who emailed me giving me their support and prayers! MANY Thanks to Pet P.I, they helped me recover him! I would be lost without them!”