William Kibbey

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"She said she was Miss Pauline Chase, a member of the 'Cadet Girl' company. She went out to secure bail for the prisoner."

Wearing a disguise and pretending to be a Harvard man, a lad who had been obsessively following a troupe of chorus girls and who’d caused a disturbance at one of their performances gets arrested for “masquerading” at a Brooklyn theater. A story about the unusual crime from the December 16, 1900 edition of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle:

“A young man who said he was a Harvard student was arrested last night at the Amphion Theater, charged with masquerading.

At the Lee avenue police station, where he was taken by Officer Thomas Carroll, he gave his name as William Kibbey and his address as 43 West Twenty-seventh street, Manhattan. He gave his age as 21 years, and said his parents lived in Iowa.

Kibbey, it is said, has been following the ‘Cadet Girl’ company from place to place. Early in the week, it is claimed, he created a disturbance in the theater and was ejected, it is said. Last night in order to get by the doorekeeper he wore a red beard.

Soon after the young man was locked up in the Lee avenue station a young woman appeared there and asked about Kibbey. She said she was Miss Pauline Chase, a member of the ‘Cadet Girl’ company. She went out to secure bail for the prisoner.”

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