Stuart Fox

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FromHuman Skin Used As Computer Input Device,” Stuart Fox’s post at Innovation News Daily about the intermingling of flesh and silicon:

“Phones, makeup kiosks, car dashboards, televisions, rolls of paper, museum exhibits; it’s hard to find somethinghat hasn’t been transformed into a computer interface device. Soon, the back of your hand will join that list, as a new device debuted here at the SIGGRAPH interactive technology conference can instantly convert a patch of skin into a multitouch controller for a computer.

Designed by Kei Nakatsuma, a researcher at the University of Tokyo Department of Information Physics and Computing, this new touch interface uses infrared sensor technology to track a finger across the back of a hand, as if it was a digital stylus or mouse. The device itself fits onto a wristwatch-sized band, giving users an adaptable computer control wherever they go.

‘The advantage for using the back of your hand is that your skin can provide haptic (touch-based) feedback,’ Nakatsuma told Innovation News Daily.”

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