Sheriff MacDonwel

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From the October 7, 1906 New York Times:

Baltimore–A special dispatch to The American from Charleston, West Va., says:

‘Crazed by fear due to his continued stay, the people of Pickens, West Va., are plotting to kill George Raschid, the Syrian leper, who was recently returned to West Virginia from Baltimore, and who has since been at Pickens awaiting removal to his home in Syria. Pickens is a small place about thirty miles from Elkins.

Dr. J.L. Cunningham, according to dispatch, has wired Gov. Dawson that if Raschid’s life is to be saved he must be removed from Pickens at once, and the Governor has notified Prosecuting Attorney C.W. Harding and Sheriff MacDonwell, at Elkins, to protect the Syrian at all hazards, for which purpose State troops are to be sent to Pickens if necessary.”

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