Robert Evans, who’s made some great movies and some bad mistakes, did an Ask Me Anything at Reddit. A few exchanges follow.
I’d like to ask what you think is different about the industry today compared to when you started? Specifically in regards to starting in the industry.
Robert Evans:
its much larger, more corporate. The American film has grown to be our countries number one export to the world. It flies the American flag higher all around the globe, more than any other product we manufacture. We should be very proud of it.
Has anyone been a bigger prick to you than Frank Sinatra?
Robert Evans:
Frank was great to me – i was a prick to him. And it wasn’t right. But it had to do with the casting of Mia Farrow, and Frank divorced Mia and our friendship over it. It was a friendship i really treasured because he gave me an opening in the business when he took the detective book i optioned as a young producer, and said “I want to make this film”. When it comes to a woman, all rules change. Especially an actress.
How many pages does it take to get excited about a screenplay?
Robert Evans:
When its over. A screenplay is re-written, re-written, and re-written. Its a never-ending fight, and very subjective. I’ve made mistakes, and hit the ball out of the park…
Why has it taken so long to do another Popeye movie and which modern day actor would make a good Popeye?
Robert Evans:
[no answer].•