Philip Schuch Jr.

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From the October 24, 1909 New York Times:

Denver–Limburger cheese is the principal ingredient of a cancer cure which Philip Schuch Jr., a local chemist, says he has discovered.

Following the death of his mother 11 years ago from cancer, Schuch began an investigation of the cause and growth of cancers, during which, he asserts, he discovered that the basic germs of cancer are similar to those of leprosy and consumption. He spent several months in the leper colony in Venezuela studying the disease.

Schuch’s cure consists of a thorough cleansing of the affected parts with liquor of quicklime and sweet milk, in equal parts, and then the application of poultices of pulped fresh Swiss or Limburger cheese, moistened with glycerine. Although no test of this has been made, Schuch says that theoretically the formula should cure mild cases of leprosy.”
