Nong Yousui

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Sometimes when we know something different, even scary, is soon to begin, we nervously misread its arrival. In a simple genetic mutation, for instance, we can see the future of genetic engineering, a science that can make us great but right now just makes us uneasy. From Peter Murray at Singularity Hub, a story about a Chinese boy born with blue eyes who’s viewed as a real-life X-Man in his homeland:

“Although the notion is revolting to many, at some point in the future we’ll have the know-how and the tools to genetically modify our bodies to make us stronger, better looking, more intelligent. In Dahua, in south China, the strange properties of one boy’s eyes has made him an Internet sensation. Headlines abound label him a one-of-a-kind, real life X-Man, miraculously given the gift of cat-like vision through genetic mutation.

In all likelihood, however, his miracle probably only extends as far as being able to see at night a little bit better than average, and even this has not been properly documented. In all likelihood, this is more a case of wishful thinking, overactive imagination, and the desire for attention.

Nong Yousui’s blue eyes are an anomalous, but not entirely unseen, occurrence among Chinese children. They are rare enough, however, to trigger worry among Yousui’s parents. Doctors promptly allayed their worries, saying that the boy’s vision was fine.

Years later, Yousui finds himself the center of an online frenzy.”
