Mrs. Edward Baum

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From the July 17, 1905 New York Times:

Orange–Mrs. Edward Baum of 72 Lake Street, Bloomfield, placed her baby in its carriage yesterday afternoon and left it in from of her home while she sat at a window watching it. The little one had its milk bottle, and presently Mrs. Baum was startled to see a snake crawling up the side of the carriage.

Mrs. Baum was so frightened that should could not move. She was able to scream, however, and Mrs. Peter H. Springfield, who was upstairs, quickly responded. She dashed the snake with a stone.

It was three feet long, and of the Jersey garter species that is so deadly to bugs and mosquitoes. it probably came from the great Watsessing swamp. Mrs. Springfield thinks it was after the milk in the baby’s bottle.”

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