Miss Eden

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Soundless and oddly poetic footage of Blackbeard’s anchor being recovered:

From a 1945 Life magazine article entitled “American Legends“: “The lonely stretch of sand, sea and sky above is Ocracoke Inlet, on the coast of North Carolina, where the great pirate Edward Teach, or Blackbeard, used to hide. The local people say that Blackbeard gave the place its name when, oppressed one day by its loneliness, he cried, ‘Oh crow, cock.’ (But Ocracoke is really an Indian name.) Blackbeard was born in England but lived in North Carolina during his busy career as a pirate. He was a friend and perhaps even a partner of the governor, Charles Eden. Blackbeard came to a violent end on Nov. 22, 1718 when Lieut. Maynard of the Royal Navy cornered him at Ocracoke, killed him and nailed his head to the bowsprit of his ship. Blackbeard was never popular while he was alive but he was brave and had a rough, bloody humor. The people who lived along the eastern coast have made a legend out of his murderous deeds. Once he wanted to marry the governor’s pretty daughter even though he had been married 12 times. But she preferred another man. Blackbeard kidnapped his rival, cut off one hand and threw him into the  sea. He sent the severed hand to Miss Eden in a silver casket and then married a different girl.”

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