Mike McIntire

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It just occurred to me that children can’t get into comedy clubs but they can shoot firearms. You know, because bullets can only hurt you but words can kill. I’m all in favor of consenting adults having maximum liberty, but for me that doesn’t extend to minors. From Mike McIntire’s New York Times article about the gun industry’s attempts to woo youngsters with schemes that would not be permitted by companies pushing tobacco or alcohol or things that kill you slowly:

“The industry’s youth-marketing effort is backed by extensive social research and is carried out by an array of nonprofit groups financed by the gun industry, an examination by The New York Times found. The campaign picked up steam about five years ago with the completion of a major study that urged a stronger emphasis on the ‘recruitment and retention’ of new hunters and target shooters.

The overall objective was summed up in another study, commissioned last year by the shooting sports industry, that suggested encouraging children experienced in firearms to recruit other young people. The report, which focused on children ages 8 to 17, said these ‘peer ambassadors’ should help introduce wary youngsters to guns slowly, perhaps through paintball, archery or some other less intimidating activity.

‘The point should be to get newcomers started shooting something, with the natural next step being a move toward actual firearms,’ said the report, which was prepared for the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the Hunting Heritage Trust.”
