Mary Delahunty

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From the December 25, 1879 New York Times:

“Australia is greatly exercised respecting a woman who has for many years passed herself off as a man, and who has married several wives. In 1857 a girl bearing the name of Ellen Tremayne came to Melbourne in the Ocean Monarch. On her arrival she married a fellow passenger of the name of Mary Delahunty, and assumed herself the name of Edward De Lacy Evans. Mary having died, ‘she’ married Julia Maynard. Julia is still alive, but Miss Edwards De Lacy Evans, having gone mad, has been confined in the Kew Lunatic Asylum, where his or her sex was discovered owing to each inmate being forced to take a bath. The curious circumstance connected to this case is that not one of the wives revealed the imposition that had been practiced upon her, nor did the miners with whom Miss Edward worked for above 20 years ever suspect that she was a woman.”

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