How you doing, girlfriend?

My pussy is wet.

Mine, too.

Wait, I thought you were the guy.

Oh, right. Hold on, I’ve got another call.

Hi, can you take 10 minutes to save 10% on your auto insurance?

Woman, I told you to not call me here. What if my girlfriend finds out?

I’m a telemarketer.

I don’t care what you do for a living. As long as it makes you happy, girl.

I’m hanging up now.

I’ll talk to you later.

No, you won’t.

I’m back.

Was that one of your sluts?

Don’t crowd me, woman.

But I want us to be exclusive.

We could, if you weren’t dying from fake cancer.

I forgot. Will you at least come to my funeral?

I’d love to, but I’m going to Mars on a secret mission for NASA.

More recent fake comedy crap: