It appears that Butterbean has written a book.
Karl Rove: But if [Obama] passes this health care reform, I think [the Democrats] lose the House of Representatives this fall.
Decoder: And I am something of an expert on how lose the House of Representatives.
Karl Rove: Embedded in that view is the belief that the American people can be easily manipulated by those kind of [smear] tactics. And frankly, I got greater respect for the voter than that.
Decoder: My career has proven time and again that I have zero respect for voters. I used to pander to the Christian conservative base even though I’m agnostic.
Karl Rove: If you’re going to attack somebody, it has to be seen as fair and appropriate and relevant and credible.
Decoder: I steadfastly defend the TV commercials that were used against former Georgia Senator Max Cleland, the ones that had footage of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden and claimed Cleland didn’t have the courage to lead. You know, the Max Cleland who lost three limbs while fighting for our country in Vietnam, while I was doing everything possible to avoid the draft.
Karl Rove: Oh, I think the world of [Colin Powell]. I think he is a great leader and I think he was a terrific secretary of state. But I did get under his skin.
Decoder: He’s apparently allergic to doughy, lying pricks.
Karl Rove: Harry Reid and I share a common Nevada root. I tried to develop a cordial relationship with him but he was, as you will see in episodes in the book, breathtakingly political in his approach to virtually everything and unreliable even when he was with you.
Decoder: He’s almost as partisan as I am. I hate people like that.
Karl Rove: [Waterboarding] is not torture. But reasonable people can disagree.
Decoder: But if they do, I will torture them.