Jeffrey Dahmer

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"A favorite of psychotic serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer."

Immense Chest Freezer – $150 (Stamford CT)

I am selling a Kenmore chest freezer because the wife and kids are out of the house (finally!). Though I eat mostly TV dinners, I don’t go through enough to need this puppy any longer.

This is an immense unit, 71″ wide, 36″ high and 27 1/2″ deep, which means about 28.5 cubic feet of usable interior space by my estimate. It’s about 20 years old and works great. This is exactly the sort of freezer that my grandma loved for storing all her groceries over the course of the winter, and it’s also a favorite of psychotic serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer, who needed all that room to store multiple “experiments.”
