Ford to New York: Drop dead, you filthy, egg-sucking dogs. I will dine on your rotting carcasses. (Photo by David Hume Kennerly.)
With the aid of the fun book, New York Year by Year: A Chronology of the Great Metropolis by Jeffrey A. Kroessler, I previously presented you with the ten most amazing historical moments in NYC in 1906 and 1967. Before I return the book to my shelf, I go to it one last time to help me present the biggest and best in NYC for 1975.
- The Daily News ran its most famous headline: “Ford to City: Drop Dead.”
- Beverly Sills made her Metropolitan Opera debut.
- The subway fare rose from 35 cents to 50 cents.
- Elizabeth Ann Seton becomes the first New Yorker to be a canonized saint.
- E.L. Doctorow published His greatest novel, Ragtime.
- Playwrights Horizon moved to a former porno theater on Ninth Avenue.
- The FALN Puerto Rican terrorist group planted a bomb in Fraunces Tavern.
- Sanitation workers went on strike.
- Illuminated advertisements appeared for the first time on taxis.
- The Urban Development Corporation defaulted on more than $100 million in bond anticipation notes, starting in earnest the city’s fiscal crisis.
Read other Listeria lists.