Jay Parkinson

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Dr. Jay Parkinson was a young physician who set up an innovative medical practice using all the modern tools of communication and information exchange and got only grief in return from the medical establishment. Just sad all around. An excerpt from his post (but read the whole thing):

“Upon finishing my second residency at Hopkins in Baltimore in September of 2007, I moved back to Williamsburg to start a new kind of practice:

  1. Patients would visit my website
  2. See my Google calendar
  3. Choose a time and input their symptoms
  4. My iphone would alert me
  5. I would make a house call
  6. They’d pay me via paypal
  7. We’d follow up by email, IM, videochat, or in person

It was simple, elegant, and affordable for me to start. But most importantly, it just made sense given how we all communicate and do business today. Starting a new practice was obviously challenging for me having never done so before, but my patients loved the experience— I was an accessible, affordable doctor in their neighborhood who communicated just like them.” (Thanks Marginal Revolution.)
