Jason Jenkins

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"There aren't many things in the world that would make Steve Wienecke look small."

Knokkers, which may be the greatest sport ever, combines bowling and billiards. (Thanks Gizmodo.) An excerpt from an article by Jason Jenkins about the beer-friendly game from Rural Missouri magazine:

“There aren’t many things in the world that would make Steve Wienecke look small. Standing 6 feet 4 inches tall and weighing in at around 270 pounds, this former semi-pro football player and cage fighter casts a large shadow.

But step into his backyard south of Fredericktown and everything, including Steve, shrinks in stature.

Here, in a space large enough to encompass an in-ground swimming pool, Steve has built what he believes is the world’s largest regulation-size pool table. At nearly 30 feet long and 15 feet wide, the table and the hybrid game played on its surface–a combination of billiards and bowling that Steve calls ‘Knokkers’–are the culmination of an idea of 25 years in the making.”

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