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From the May 18, 1893 Brooklyn Daily Eagle:

Montreal–The following details have been received here of the story of cannibalism reported briefly yesterday.

Last fall the members of an Indian tribe called the Nasconopis started out for their winter hunt around the river St. Marguerite, below Quebec. Among the party was a man named Jacks and his daughter, aged 16. The hunt proved a failure, the party hastened to return as quickly as possible and, after enduring hardships and starvation, its members finally reached a point in the wilderness some sixty miles distant from their homes.

Weak and famished, without a morsel to eat, they were in a desperate condition. The father of the girl resolved to sacrifice her to preserve his own life, and one morning when his companions were nearly frozen with the cold, he killed the daughter and appeased the hunger. Horror stricken his companions fled, refusing to take the miserable man with them, and at last accounts he had not yet made his appearance in the settlement. The probabilities are that if he has survived he is keeping away from the settlement on account of the crime.”

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