Hunter Walk

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Superman has had to adjust in the age of smartphones, and some would like movie theaters to make concessions as well. From Hunter Walk, a suggestion for creating an alternative big-screen experience for moviegoers who want to talk, Tweet and multitask during a film:

“In my 20s I went to a lot of movies. Now, not so much. Over the past two years becoming a parent has been the main cause but really my lack of interest in the theater experience started way before that. Some people dislike going to the movies because of price or crowds, but for me it was more of a lifestyle decision. Increasingly I wanted my media experiences plugged in and with the ability to multitask. Look up the cast list online, tweet out a comment, talk to others while watching or just work on something else while Superman played in the background. Of course these activities are discouraged and/or impossible in a movie theater.

But why? Instead of driving people like me away from the theater, why not just segregate us into environments which meet our needs. “
