Henry Niedhammer

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"Phebe's culinary knowledge did not extend beyond the cooking of that particular kind of sausage known as Frankfurter."

This bizarre article in the March 15, 1890 edition of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle tells the story of newlyweds Henry Niedhammer and Phebe Ruff, who broke up because she only knew how to cook one meal–a particular type of sausage dish known as “Frankfurter.” An excerpt:

“No sooner, however, had the young couple commenced to live together than Henry was annoyed to find that his wife was oftener in her mother’s home than her own and that Phebe’s culinary knowledge did not extend beyond the cooking of that particular kind of sausage known as Frankfurter. It was Frankfurter for breakfast, Frankfurter for dinner, and Frankfurter for supper, and all his remonstrances he said, were unavailing.

About a week ago he succeeded in having a change in the daily menu, but when, on Friday last, having had Frankfurter for breakfast, more Frankfurters were produced for dinner, Henry’s patience gave way, and, having hurled the dish of sausages at his wife, he, she alleges, caught up the carving knife and chased her out of the house.

The furniture was thereupon taken back and Henry having bade his father and the rest of his family farewell, made a beeline for the Navy Yard, and there, having enlisted as a marine, is supposed just now to be frisking in a capful of wind outside of Sandy Hook on his way to the Azores.”

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