Harry Gabriel Aronoff

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Harry Gabriel Aronoff, who lived to 100 years old, had the very eventful experience of being a tank commander during WWII. An excerpt from his obituary in the February 13 San Diego Union-Tribune:

“He enlisted in the Army on March 16, 1941 and served as a tank Commander during World War II. He fought at the Battle of the Bulge in Normandy, and other places, he single-handedly captured eleven German soldiers after his landing in France. After WW II, Harry and Evelyn moved to San Diego where he worked as a meat cutter until he retired. For more than 50 years he volunteered at the VA and Naval hospitals, was elected to various positions with the DAV and was three times the DAV Commander. He also served as the Commander and Chaplin for the Jewish War Veterans. He is a life member of the Masons and Shriners.”
