George Zimmerman

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In the aftermath of George Zimmerman being found not guilty for the murder of Trayvon Martin, you hear well-meaning people say that we shouldn’t let the court decision tear America apart along racial lines. But we’re already apart. Justice is segregated in America, with two very different systems. Whether it’s Stand Your Ground or Stop and Frisk, African-Americans, especially ones who are young and male, are suspects because of who they are. They’re often treated as perpertrators in search of a crime. You can’t legislate racism away, but racism should not be a part of the legislative process, a part of the judicial system. It may be worse in some places than others, but it’s not great anywhere. If you have a child with dark skin, you live in fear. And we’re all guilty of making that a reality, North and South, East and West, Jeb Bush and Michael Bloomberg, you and I.•


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