Frederick Hatfield’s Brother

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From the December 11, 1900 New York Times:

Plainfield, N.J.–Frederick Hatfield, who for years has been noted as one of the eccentric and parsimonious characters in this section, died Saturday night in the tumble-down house that he and his brother have lived in for years on the old Frazee Lee property in Fanwood Township. He had been ill but a few days with pneumonia.

The two brothers lived alone, and were noted for their hate of women. No woman, it is said, had darkened the door of their home for over a quarter of a century. They never had their hair cut, and never wore hats. Whenever they came to town to trade they drove a donkey attached to a two-wheeled gig of their own make. The brothers are reputed to be worth $100,000. The house they lived in is said to have been built over a century ago, but had gone to ruin through neglect.”

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