Falk Wolsky

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An ingenious learning tool, the Lernstift pen vibrates when the user misspells a word or makes a grammatical error. If only we still used pens! From Wired UK:

“Currently a test prototype, the electronic pen is programmed to recognise movements associated with each letter form. In calligraphy mode it can buzz the user when the letter shape is being created oddly, while in orthography mode it can be used to pick up spelling or grammar mistakes — one buzz for spelling errors and two for grammar.

Creators Falk and Mandy Wolsky (an inventor and an education specialist, respectively) explain on their website that the invention was inspired by their son’s early writing attempts –‘From the very first words there were errors.’

By issuing corrections without a time delay and without the need for an instructor to be present at all times, the learning pen could cut down on the time taken to learn to write.”

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