Eric Limer

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From Eric Limer at Gizmodo, a report about just-patented futuristic handcuffs that can administer shocks or sedatives (holy crap!):

“The recent patent application from Scottsdale Inventions LLC shows what seems to be a pretty well developed prototype of handcuffs that will shock the wearer into submission. The patent also allows for a blinking light or auditory warning that triggers as the shock is prepared, presumably to warn the wearer to CALM DOWN. The shocks could come for any number of reasons—too much movement, movement outside a radius, or under order of the cuff’s owner—and the cuffs would also contain EKG/ECG sensors to keep from shocking detainees a little too silly (i.e. to death).

That’s not even where it ends though, because there’s additional language describing how the cuffs could actually administer a substance ‘to achieve any desired result’ via needles or gas. It could be anything from medication to sedatives to irritants, to who knows what else.”
