Edward Albee

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Edward Albee at the Miami Bookfair International in 1987. (Image by MDCarchives.)

This isn’t suprising at all, is it? From a new interview in Vice:

Do you have a specific writing space?

I do my writing in my head. There are tables around for whenever I feel like writing something down. I don’t care where I do it. It’s called a manuscript, so I write by hand.

That’s pretty old school.

I don’t believe in all those machines.

And the internet?

I know it exists. I don’t use it.

Do you have a cell phone?

No. It’s a waste of time. I might as well watch television. I walk along the streets of New York and I find people bumping into each other, bumping into things, and they have these things in their ears or in their face. They’re not seeing anything of the real world.”
