Ebenezer Jones

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From the June 12, 1858 Brooklyn Daily Eagle:

“Ebenezer Jones, cashier of the Boston and Worcester Railroad, died last Friday, on a yacht excursion, from the effect of taking a dose of chloroform to cure sea sickness. When his body came to be removed from the vault to the grave, in Charleston, the coffin was opened, and the corpse presented a singularly florid and life-like appearance. This fact gave rise to the rumors that he had been buried alive. The doctors on Monday pronounced the body lifeless. Tuesday the report was spread that the dead man was resuscitated by the electricity attending a violent thunder storm, and hundreds besieged the house to get a sight of the body. The body was again carefully examined by physicians and declared lifeless, though still presenting the same life-like appearance. What adds interest to the occurrence is, that Mr. Jones, while living, had several times gone into the trance state and exhibited singular phenomena. The remains were to be reconveyed to their resting place yesterday.”
