Dr. Henry Jackson

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From the September 5, 1897 New York Times:

Rutland, Vt.–Mrs. Horace I. Brookes, daughter of Col. Le Grand B. Cannon of New York City, has had her right leg amputated at her father’s Summer home, Overlake, in Burlington.

Mrs. Brookes has been a great sufferer for some time, and it was believed that the time for removing her leg in order to save her life had gone by.

On her arrival at Overlake, however, she said that she felt equal to the operation, which was finally performed by Dr. L.M. Bingham, assisted by Dr. Henry Jackson.

The patient rallied quickly, suffering no shock whatever, since which time she has continued to improve and is now past all danger, and is on the road to the rapid recovery of her accustomed good health.”

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