Donald Trump: Comcast’s resident racist.
Donald Trump, a walking dunce cap with a distended belly, thinks he’s fooling someone. In addition to his usual Birther garbage, Trump enjoys insinuating that our first African-American President only could have risen to such heights with the aid of Affirmative Action, that he was incapable of success without handouts from white people. He derides President Obama’s distinguished education as being likely the largesse of white benefactors, not an achievement borne of talent and effort. He insists that President Obama release his college application and transcripts. Curious that he never asked for the college paperwork from any previous President, including George W. Bush, who, even by his own admission, was an unserious student who got into Yale, the school his father attended. I suppose if you’re rich, it’s not considered a handout.
A person who was given advantages he didn’t deserve was Trump himself, who inherited family wealth and connections. And even then the dum-dum nearly blew it. Trump likes to think of himself as a “job creator” and a “leader,” but without the material advantages handed him by his daddy, he would have been another mediocre middle manager with a massive ego being sent to Human Resources due to his lousy deportment.
Because Trump doesn’t realize that he’s a gigantic buffoon and that his bullshit is transparent, he thinks that if he sends out a few complimentary tweets about other African-Americans, his bigoted assaults on the President won’t reveal him to be the huge racist he is.
Glad to hear that @RobinRoberts is doing well. She is a terrific person.
If Obama mentions Mitt’s tax returns in tomorrow’s debate then Mitt should immediately ask for Obama’s college records & applications