David Brin

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From an NPR report on David Brin, who predicted something like Google Glass long before there was a Google:

“‘What’s going to happen in the next 10 years is disruptions and disappointments that will cause people to be tempted to legislate against these things,’ Brin says. ‘The first impulse has to do with privacy.’ But, he says, regulation will never keep up with the speed of technological innovation, so by the time Google Glass gets regulated, Glass-type technology will be built into contact lenses, or into even more conspicuous devices.

So Brin says if wearable technology will allow for some segment of society, say, government, to ‘spy,’ then all of us should want and have the same technology available. Society, he says, should refrain from bans on Glass and similar technology so that everyone has a way to peer at everyone else, making the background knowledge we have of one another the normal rules of human engagement.

Brin wrote in 1988, ‘The world had a choice. Let governments control surveillance tech … and therefore give a snooping monopoly to the rich and powerful … or let everybody have it. Let everyone snoop on everyone else, including snooping the government!'”
