Dan Snyder

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Dan Snyder, the hapless owner of the Washington Redskins, dropped a lawsuit against the Washington City Paper earlier this month. He had originally claimed that a picture of himself with horns and a goatee in the manner of the devil, which ran with the article “The Cranky Redskins Fan’s Guide to Dan Snyder,” was a crude anti-Semitic slur. Snyder was rightly ridiculed for the suit, as the City Paper was clearly lampooning a terrible sports owner and intended nothing racist, and eventually he gave up the fight. One thing I haven’t read in response to his puzzling outrage (though others must have noted it) is that Snyder owns the American company with the single most racist name. If he owned the Washington Blackskins or Yellowskins, there is no way the NFL would allow such an outdated slur. But for some reason it’s permitted with the Redskins. 
