
You are currently browsing articles tagged Canada.

Canadian Prime Minister Wayne Gretzky. (Image by Kmf164.)

Russia had dominated Afflictor Nation for seven months running, being the foreign country with the most traffic on our idiotic web site from December through June. But the former superpower took a nosedive this month, finishing tied for fourteenth in the heated competition. Although the unlikely trio of Singapore, Malaysia and Turkey made a surprisingly strong showing, it was our neighbor to the north, Canada, that ultimately supplanted Russia as Afflictor Nation champion. Best known for being cold as fuck and not harshing the vibe, Canada is like the neighbors down the hall that you seem to never run into, but at least they don’t play the music too loud. At any rate: Thank you to all the many nations that checked in with this site in July, and congratulations to you for your astounding victory, Canada!
