Avi Steinberg

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One of the best opening sentences I have read in a while comes from Avi Steinberg’s excellent new Paris Review piece about a ventriloquist convention in Kentucky. Here’s that opening line plus the rest of the first two paragraphs:

“I’m waiting for the elevator in a medieval-themed hotel in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky, when the elevator doors open to reveal a heated exchange between a bald man in a Hawaiian shirt and a puppet shaped like a toucan. My presence brings an uncomfortable end to their private imbroglio. Both stare at me silently as I enter the elevator, and for five awkward floors I’m brought into direct contact with what George Bernard Shaw described as the “unvarying intensity of facial expression” of puppets, an attribute he believed makes them more compelling actors than humans.

I’m at the Vent Haven ConVENTion where, each July, hundreds of ventriloquists, or “vents,” as they call themselves, gather from all over the world. For four days, they attend lectures on the business, getting advice on AV equipment, scriptwriting, or creating an audience through social networking. They listen to a keynote address by Comedy Central’s ventriloquist-in-residence, Jeff Dunham, who exhorts his notoriously defensive colleagues to ‘quit complaining that people say we’re weird. We talk to dolls. We are weird, ok. Just own it.’ They eat at a Denny’s off the highway and visit the creationist museum down the road. And they don’t go anywhere without the accompaniment of their alter egos.”


Magic trailer, 1978:

a documentary about Vents:

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Inmates favored Flannery O'Connor because her cover photo made her look "kind of busted up."

Avi Steinberg, a Harvard graduate with no direction in life, answered a Craigslist ad and became a librarian to male and female prison inmates in Boston. He learned what writers prisoners most like–Anne Frank, Sylvia Plath, Martina Cole–but also that maybe literacy can’t heal all deep-seated problems. He’s written about his experience in Running the Books: The Adventures of an Accidental Prison Librarian. (Thanks to Marginal Revolution.) An excerpt from a Guardian article about the book:

“Steinberg’s experiences seem to have made him somewhat wary of the notion that books have the power to transform – not least after the occasion when he was mugged in a park by an ex-con who boasted that he’d still got two overdue titles that Steinberg had issued to him. ‘Transformation was not necessarily the main story,’ he reflects. ‘It happened in some instances but they were notable exceptions. Prisoners weren’t there to transform themselves, or be transformed – but they would still come to the library.'”

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