Alex Hudson

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When every car is connected to the Internet (which will be soon), no one will again have to search blindly for a parking spot. No one will even think of it, the way we don’t think of supermarkets before price scanners. From Alex Hudson at BBC News:

“At present, headlines often focus on the use of social media, integrated internet radio or clever ways to use voice commands. But the internet could be used for much more simple – and practical – things.

There are already apps that can show local petrol stations and their prices, allowing drivers to keep going for a few more miles to save a few pence a litre when filling up a car.

There is also an app to find a car parking space in some major cities, using electronic sensors, or analysing an aerial view of local street spaces.

Perhaps more interesting are the things you never knew you could find out.

When stopped at a traffic light, trials have shown a system where a time can pop up on the dashboard letting drivers know how long until it changes.”
