In the Financial Times, Douglas Coupland, about to turn 50, thinks back on Generation X, his sensation of a novel published just 22 years ago, but perhaps the longest 22 years ever:

1991 was more than 20 years ago, before not just the internet but also email. I remember worrying about my phone bill each month. And I remember the Kuwait war, and I remember no more USSR, and I remember the snow on the ground during that particularly mild winter in Montreal where I was living at the time of Gen X’s publication. I also remember waiting for the first copy of the book to arrive. Ask any writer: the true moment of birth is when the FedEx envelope is ripped open and a book is fully midwifed into the world.

Here are a few Generation X facts: it was originally going to be called 52 Daffodils after a story contained within the book. I wonder what life would be like now if I’d done that. My Canadian publisher also declined to publish the book, which forever gave American publishers right of first refusal on new books, which began the myth within the Canadian writing world that I was trying to be American not Canadian. But it took years for me to figure out that that was what was actually happening – there was no internet to crystallize trends on a dime – trends took place across the span of years, not days. Trends had backlashes and then counter-backlashes that also went on for years. These days a meme is good for a few days or a few weeks, max.”


Some search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. the conversation 1974 coppola film
  2. you can never return
  3. donald trump that fucking stupid moron
  4. solar farms in the mojave desert
  5. mary mccarthy interviewed on television
  6. pt barnum fire annhilator
  7. wilt chamberlain boxing
  8. did mark twain meet nikola tesla?
  9. robert ludlum interview
  10. how did the advent of locomotives change reading habits?
Afflictor: Trying to come up with a single image that can represent the beginnings of the baseball season and the gay honeymoon season.

Afflictor: Looking for a single image that can represent the beginnings of the baseball season and the gay honeymoon season.


The opening of Ashlee Vance’s Businessweek piece about sharing the road with robots in Mountain View, California, ground zero for Google’s driverless car experimentation, in a time before the bots become dominant:

“My hometown, Mountain View, Calif., has become the unofficial capital of the robotic car revolution. Each day, I seem to run into one, two, or three self-driving Google cars. They’re on my freeways; they’re in my neighborhood; they’re taking my shortcuts.

One time, five of the self-driving cars gathered at a gas station equidistant from my house and Google headquarters. It felt a bit like the robots had taken ownership of my watering hole. People, likely well-paid engineers, had to fill up the cars as if they were fleshy lackeys. The rest of us waited for the robots to get full and head off to wherever it is robots go.

Away from the general unease they stir up, the Google self-driving cars come with very real consequences. I’ll concede that the cars may be better at driving than humans. They follow the rules of the road perfectly and change lanes with appropriate caution. They always signal. Thing is, the cars make the drivers around them worse.”


Chicago–As a result of overdevotion to health promotion, Mrs. Nancy Balleon of Oak Park is near death.

While taking a sun bath yesterday Mrs. Balleon fell from a scaffolding she had built outside her room on the third floor of her home.

Mrs. Balleon had been interested in a number of health systems. After taking a walk in the morning in her bare feet, exercising on the parallel bars, and taking a cold plunge, she has been in the habit of spending several hours in her improvised sun porch. It is supposed that while dozing she rolled from her cot off the scaffolding. She is suffering from three broken ribs and concussion of the brain.”


Liz Cheney, that miserable dipshit and daughter of a waterboarder, has outdone herself with one of the more overheated and ludicrous op-ed pieces of the year, with her insane new crap in the Wall Street Journal. Before I present a passage, I will say this: The constant state of crisis in Washington is caused by Cheney’s extremist party, President Obama has spent at a more conservative rate of anyone in the White House since Eisenhower, the debt grew because Cheney’s cracked party destroyed the economy, and the Affordable Health Care Act will create new jobs. 

As I’ve said before, this version of the GOP is in a death spiral, unwilling and unable to reform. An excerpt from Cheney’s drivel:

“These days Washington careens from crisis to crisis, most of them manufactured. The Obama White House and its allies are engaged in the kind of sky-is-falling melodrama normally reserved for the lives of teenage girls. (As the mother of teenage girls, I speak with authority on this, though the comparison does a disservice to teenagers.) With our attention diverted by each fiscal cliff or sequestration drama, we are at risk of missing the real threats to the republic.

President Obama is the most radical man ever to occupy the Oval Office. The national debt, which he is intent on increasing, has passed $16 trillion. He believes that more government borrowing and spending are the solution to every problem. He seems unaware that the free-enterprise system has lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system devised by man.

Perhaps his ignorance of that fact explains his hostility toward the private sector. In one of his autobiographies, the president writes that he felt ‘like a spy behind enemy lines’ during his brief stint working for private industry.

The president has launched a war on Americans’ Second Amendment rights. He has launched a war on religious freedom. He has launched a war on fossil fuels. He is working to nationalize one-sixth of the economy with job-killing ObamaCare.”

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Why don’t I like Jorge Luis Borges’ writing more than I do? He would seem aesthetically to be right up my alley, but I just don’t connect to it. Here’s an appearance by the Argentine legend with William F. Buckley on Firing Line in 1977. 


If I had to say one thing about the time we’re living in, I would say this: Jesus H. Christ, our phones are great! Our phones are better than ever! I’m not sure if we’ve improved otherwise, but, wow, we’ve such progress in the area of phones! 

Seriously, we seem to be making progress in a variety of ways (see the current reversal in the attitude toward gay marriage in America), but there’s still a lot of suffering and unfairness in the world. Are we moving forward or laterally–or even backwards? 

John Gray, political philosopher and author of The Silence of Animals: On Progress and Other Modern Myths, believes our contention that we are moving human rights forward is self-satisfied bullshit. From an interview Gray did with Johannes Niederhauser at Vice:


Isn’t the belief that everything will get better and that the world is now moving toward a blessed end state kind of schizophrenic, in the sense that we’ve actually been living in a deep crisis since the 1970s?

John Gray:

The rapid movement in technological advancements creates a phantom of progress. Phones are getting better, smaller, and cheaper all the time. In terms of technology, there’s a continuous transformation of our actual everyday life. That gives people the sense that there is change in civilization. But, in many ways, things are getting worse. In the UK, incomes have fallen and living standards are getting worse.


And advances in technology don’t mean that things are necessarily getting better in the grand scheme of things.

John Gray:

Oh, absolutely. Technological progress is double-edged. The internet, for example, has more or less destroyed privacy. Anything you do leaves an electronic trace.


Some people even want their mind to be transferred into the Internet to be digitally immortal.

John Gray:

That’s kind of moving in a way, but also utterly absurd. Even if it were possible to upload your whole mind on to a computer, it wouldn’t be you.


There seems to be a wide misunderstanding of what it means to be yourself.

John Gray:

Yes. You haven’t chosen to be the self that you are. You’re irreplaceable. You’re a singularity. We are who we are because of the lives that we have. And that involves having a body, being born, and dying.


Especially dying.

John Gray:

Yes, especially. A lot of contemporary phenomena, like faith in progress, is really an attempt to evade the reality of death. In actuality, each of our lives is singular and final; there is no second chance. This is not a rehearsal. It’s the real thing.”

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From a Mercury News story about biological computing experimentation at Stanford University:

“In the foreseeable future, humans might carry microscopic natural computers inside their cells that could guard against disease and warn of toxic threats based on a Stanford research achievement.

A team of engineers there has invented genetic transistors, completing a simple computer within living cells, a major step forward in the emerging field of synthetic biology.

The startling achievement, to be unveiled in Friday’s issue of the journal Science, presages the day when ‘living computers’ inside the human body could screen for cancer, detect toxic chemicals or even turn cell reproduction on and off.

‘We’re going to be able to put computers inside any living cell you want,’ said lead researcher Drew Endy of Stanford’s School of Engineering.

‘We’re not going to replace the silicon computers. We’re not going to replace your phone or your laptop,’ he said. ‘But we’re going to get computing working in places where silicon would never work.

‘Any place you want a little bit of logic, a little bit of computation, a little bit of memory — we’re going to be able to do that,’ said Endy.”


"I can take the bus to your house."

“I can take the bus to your house.”

i just wanna cuddle 100% real (Staten Island)

Hi i’m from staten island ny and i’m just lookin for a girl or a woman to just spend the night with, watch a movie together in bed and just cuddle.. I dont have a job at the moment, I am 35 years old, I live with my mother, but I have my own bedroom! I am also on foodstamps. I can go to the supermarket and buy fresh food and cook us dinner for a first date, Does that sounds good to you? I would hope so.

I just applied for a nyc housing apt in the louis pink houses in east ny, so I will be moving to Brooklyn soon in a luxury apt in the projects. i just came off a 6 year relationship and i feel so lonely and just need someone to hug and cuddle and just let things work out as they will. i have green eyes and im slim built, not looking for any kind of relationship just some NSA cuddling and maybe more.

i’m well raised and im such a gentleman and i wouldnt mind sendin a pic of myself. I can not host because my mother is home now, but I can take the bus to your house. I can not take a cab since I can not afford the cab fare. You can pick me up if you wish too, I would love that. Please if you serious send me a reply with ur name, age and location in the subject field and an email that have your cell phone number and a picture..and i will reply back with a pic and my number.

i’m 100 % real and i really am up to this for nothing in return i just need it. If you are asking for money or anything don’t even bother to reply, and please be STD’s clean coz i’m clean myself .. plz hit me up with a reply.

I sit on my computer 24/7 so a email will come right on my screen.

From a smart David Bauer essay at Medium that points out the folly of attaching “the future” to a specific date, like the year 2000, when the next wave actually arrives all the time:

“You wake up at 7am on a wonderful morning in early 2000. Dreamy as you are, you grab your phone to check the news and your email. Well, the news is that no one has texted you while you were sleeping and that your phone doesn’t connect to the internet. Because, well, you don’t have a smartphone. Just like everyone else doesn’t. Actually, a bestselling mobile phone launched in 2000 looked like this. You could still play a round of Snake, though.

After a refreshing shower — pretty much like you remember it from 2013 — you make yourself comfortable at the breakfast table. You’re an early adopter, so you have your laptop right there with you to check the news. While you wait for the computer to start up, you have time to brew some coffee.

Time to check Twitter for the latest…ah well, no Twitter yet. So let’s see what your friends are up to over on Face…doesn’t exist either. Not even MySpace. Heck, not even Friendster.” (Thanks Browser.)


For most of his life, Buzz Bissinger was a Brooks Brothers-clad, rage-filled asshole given to inappropriate utterances, so he decided to change his wardrobe. From “My Gucci Addiction,” the journalist’s extreme self-portrait in GQ, which focuses on shopping and fucking:

“It is safe to assume that when someone buys more than half a million dollars of clothing in three years, it isn’t simply beautiful clothing that he seeks. My wife and I realized several years ago that we had run our sexual course. It was on the surface a strange decision, since both of us were highly sexualized. And great lovers to each other. And she was absolutely beautiful. But the twin killers of menopause and boredom had set in, as they do in every marriage. And I had never been able to equate sex with intimacy.

I had always been attracted to S&M, even at an early age, when I didn’t know what it was. My mother wore leather gloves in springtime. My first teacher in kindergarten, who probably thought I was mentally challenged because I never spoke, also wore leather gloves, and every day as she left I would watch as she slowly put them on with the stretch and pull of the fingers. My eighth-grade math teacher wore stiletto black leather boots and black hair like Elvira and spoke in dismissive clips, and I adored her, even when she dropped test results into my lap with B- circled in red at the top.

I did engage in a relationship with a dominatrix after the failure of my second marriage. I left the scene after two years. But I clearly missed it, the trappings of leather increasingly irresistible. I liked extreme feelings of restraint and taking pain. But I was also interested in everything.

My sexual appetites began to spin in all sorts of different directions. My wife and I talked about it at length. She was far more experienced than I was, and she did in high school what I longed to but could not because of the need to please others—get laid, smoke dope, go to Woodstock. Before she left for Abu Dhabi, she urged me to explore, not on the basis that we wanted some open marriage but because of her feeling that I owed it to myself, to both of us, because my unfulfilled desires, or at least what I thought might be my desires, were leading to the nastiness and the contempt toward a spouse that comes from frustration.”


“His wife told the Coroner that the child had been killed by God, and that her husband was God.”

From Robert Matthews to Mel Lyman to Krishna Venta, America has never known a shortage of messianic kooks. Once such self-styled Christ found his way into the pages of the April 29, 1908 New York Times. The story:

Allentown, Penn.–A murder by a religious fanatic occurred last night in the Borough of Alliance, near here, Councilman Henry Smith’s little daughter was killed by his brother-in-law, Robert Bachman of Nazareth, Penn., while on a visit at the Bachman home. At the time of the killing Bachman was in a frenzy, during which he drove everybody except the little girl out of the house.

Bachman was at the head of a new praying band, and last week he got the Smiths interested. Thy went to Bachman’s house yesterday, prayed and held services, and then decided to remain until the spirit told them to leave. Late last night, under Bachman’s direction, Smith, in fighting the devil, broke three doors, kicked in the floorboard of a bed and jumped, smashing it. Meanwhile Bachman was in an adjoining room with the Smiths’ only child, May Irene, who would have been 5 years old today. 

When Mrs. Smith entered that room she found her daughter dead on the floor and Bachman on his knees alongside in a religious frenzy. The horrified mother snatched up the body of her child and ran shrieking from the house. Later the father and mother took the body to their home, eight miles distant. The forehead and upper portions of the child’s bosy were bruised and scratched. 

This afternoon Bachman was arrested. His wife told the Coroner that the child had been killed by God, and that her husband was God. The belief is that Bachman, in his frenzy, unwittingly killed the child.

Smith and Bachman are cement mill workmen.”

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Via a Choire Sicha post at the excellent Awl blog, I just learned of Brendan Koerner’s The Skies Belong To Us, an exploration of the “golden age” of plane hijackings in the late ’60s / early ’70s. The forthcoming book looks at a turbulent time in America, when you could fly a 747 through the credibility gap. Into this void of political and moral authority arrived one skyjacking after another, pretty much on a weekly basis. Koerner focuses on the case of Roger Holder and Cathy Kerkow, a Vietnam vet and a party girl, who wrested control of a Western Airlines flight as part of an inchoate political protest, beginning the first leg of their insane journey.

The trailer for the book from the official website.

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Ad-supported content just isn’t feasible for most media companies in the Digital Age. From an article about the current rise of content subscriptions by Dan Burkhart at All Things D, a passage about the Théâtrophone, which had much in common with the Telephone Herald:

“More than a century before Netflix and Hulu and Spotify first charged subscribers to satisfy their daily media cravings, another device existed called the Théâtrophone. From 1881 to 1932, telephonic devices called Théâtrophones were made available to dignitaries and guests in luxury hotels who required their daily fix of live opera performances via subscription fee — 50 centimes for five minutes.

While the Théâtrophone was an impressive invention in its day, the subscription model itself has a prolific and fascinating history of enabling innovation throughout the world. Subscriptions have helped companies pioneer new distribution models across a diverse set of business applications; all in the name of seeking efficient annuity revenue streams that outweigh the cost of production and distribution. From an end-customer ‘subscriber’ perspective, the convenience of easy access or repeat consumption can greatly outweigh the incremental cost of subscribing.

Subscriptions have historically also found ways to take on greater social meaning through the signaling of a certain status by way of access to a secret society, social club or charitable organization.”


From a famous Andy Kaufman show at Carnegie Hall in 1979, the Intergender Wrestling Champion “challenges the audience.” The old woman seated on the couch on the stage, who was supposedly the comedian’s grandmother, was actually Robin Williams in drag. He took off the costume only at the end of the show.

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Algorithm-based journalism–what could go wrong? From Jesse M. Kelly at the Vancouver Sun:

“Journalist Ken Schwencke has occasionally awakened in the morning to find his byline atop a news story he didn’t write.

No, it’s not that his employer, The Los Angeles Times, is accidentally putting his name atop other writers’ articles. Instead, it’s a reflection that Schwencke, digital editor at the respected U.S. newspaper, wrote an algorithm — that then wrote the story for him.

Instead of personally composing the pieces, Schwencke developed a set of step-by-step instructions that can take a stream of data — this particular algorithm works with earthquake statistics, since he lives in California — compile the data into a pre-determined structure, then format it for publication.

His fingers never have to touch a keyboard; he doesn’t have to look at a computer screen. He can be sleeping soundly when the story writes itself.”

Just call him robo-reporter.”

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A solar-powered plane that can fly in the dark is soon going to make a cross-country flight. From Steve Henn at NPR:

“Next month, a very odd looking plane will take off from Moffett Field in Mountain View, Calif., and head east to New York. The Solar Impulse — the world’s first solar-powered plane — is capable of flying nonstop all day and all night. Its creators plan to fly it across the U.S. this spring, and by 2015 they hope to fly a similar aircraft around the world.

Its wingspan is longer than a 747 Boeing, but the entire plane weighs less than a car.

‘That was the challenge,’ says Andre Borschberg, one of the creators and a pilot. He says the wings are so large in part to generate lift and in part to create a bigger surface ‘to integrate solar cells.'”


Solar Impulse as featured on 60 Minutes:

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A “professional namer” for a branding agency, who was on the teams that came up with Bing and Cingular, among other corporate names, just did an Ask Me Anything on Reddit. A few exchanges follow.



Care to name my johnson?




Well, this backfired.



What makes a name a good name?


A good name should either say what the thing is (or what benefits it offers) or it should at least be memorable somehow–it be easy to say and talk about. There’s a lot more than that, but that’s a big one (and even that one has some exceptions…Haagen Dazs anyone?)

Names tend to change from horrible to awesome based just on people’s perspectives of the brand though. Imagine you were on the board at what is now Google, and one of the board members says, “OK, we’ve narrowed it down to 2 potential names for our company: WebSearcher or Google.” I’d say at least 9 out of 10 people would’ve gone with “WebSearcher” and said “what a ridiculously stupid name!” about Google. Admittedly though, we have heard some names that just leave us speechless…usually those are names that people have come up with themselves for their own business/product.



So how do you come up with new names?


Lots of things: brainstorming sessions, interviews, focus groups, thesaurus-mining, Excel tables, magazines, scrabble–you name it. Every once in a while though, the perfect answer really does appear to you out of nowhere, which can be very nice.



How much does a job like this pay?


Starting pay at most agencies is around 30-35K. If you’re the CEO at a big agency, you could be making 8-10 million a year–everyone else is somewhere in between.



What would you name a man with no arms and no legs floating in the ocean? 


I’d call him f**ked, but that’s my non-professional opinion.•

At Rob Walker’s Yahoo! blog, he interviews technology critic Douglas Rushkoff about his new book, Present Shock, an updating of sorts of Alvin Toffler’s Future Shock. An excerpt about adaptation strategies in our brave new world:


The book addresses what you’re calling ‘present shock,’ referencing Alvin Toffler’s idea of ‘future shock,’ and (if I can oversimplify) suggesting that we’re now living in Toffler’s future, and we’re not coping all that well. How might we respond to ‘society without narrative context’?

Douglas Rushkoff:

Present Shock is the panicky reaction to this always-on, real-time society in which we have found ourselves. But there are definitely ways to adapt and thrive in a ‘presentist’ world. So, take the collapse of narrative. We live in a world where it’s really hard to tell a story. People don’t have patience, they have interactive devices that encourage them to break up or leave a story in progress, and they don’t really think about things as having beginnings, middles and ends. We are in the now, and not looking forward to long-term goals anymore. This is as true for kids playing endless adventure games like World of Warcraft as it is for derivatives traders hoping to make money not off long-term investments but on the trades themselves. 

So on the one hand, we get the scary stuff: movements with long-term goals are increasingly unpopular. Political parties are hated. The notion of a career path or a commitment to (and from) an employer seems ludicrous. On the other hand, we begin to see some people attempting to live in a more ‘steady state.’ We don’t have to fight and win wars so much as deal with our problems in a more ongoing way. Global warming is not something we fight against and ‘win,’ but a chronic problem we can only face with sustainable solutions. We don’t need to yearn for endings—unless of course we really want to bring about the apocalypse. Instead, we must grow beyond the simple stories on which we were raised, and learn to live in a never-ending kind of story, in which we are the living players. 

This is what Occupy was groping toward, in its own way. They don’t have demands or goals so much as approaches. They are attempting to model a way of living. When asked how the movement is supposed to ‘end,’ they say, “Why should it end?'”

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i found this copy of the Gettysburgh address taped inside of an 1800s era dresser…it looks and feels original ,it looks hand written on this stationery…the stationery is very thick and is darker paper but it has lightened x’s in the paper..and it is surly for sale…if serious i will send picture….i also need to have it checked…does anyone know of a good reputable place,thanks…if you help…you will have first option on this.

Nolan Bushnell, the Atari founder who famously nurtured Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, has published a new book, Finding the Next Steve Jobs. An excerpt from an interview Eric Johnson just did with him at All Things D:


Just how close were you to Steve after his brief involvement with Atari?

Nolan Bushnell: 

We’d talk on the phone infrequently, but he’d come up to [my house in] Woodside about once a month, usually on a Saturday or Sunday morning, and we’d go up on the hill and talk. Occasionally, I’d go down to his place, but a lot of the time it was him coming up to my place.


Why are we even looking for the ‘next Steve Jobs?’

Nolan Bushnell:

Steve took a failing computer company — and they probably would have never brought him back if they weren’t at the end of their rope — and turned it into the highest-market-cap company in the world. People were always aware that innovative solutions are good for your company. I think this just underscored it in a really powerful way. It wasn’t just through cutting costs or innovative marketing. Though Steve was a pretty good marketer.


But that was when he returned to Apple in 1997. Most of the time when people talk about the ‘next Steve Jobs,’ they’re using that phrase to refer to entrepreneurs who are still early on in their careers. So, are those people really that hard up for work?

Nolan Bushnell:

I believe there are Steve Jobses all around us. Really, what is happening is that they’re being edited out of importance. Right now, Google is doing some great things, but Hewlett-Packard is trying to commit suicide. Every company needs to have askunkworks, to try things that have a high probability of failing. You try to minimize failure, but at the same time, if you’re not willing to try things that are inherently risky, you’re not going to make progress.”

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The first step to reducing our reliance on carbon-choking fossil fuels is realizing that we’re not reliant on them. In case you missed Elisbaeth Rosenthal’s “Life After Oil and GasSunday Review piece in the New York Times, an excerpt:

“A National Research Council report released last week concluded that the United States could halve by 2030 the oil used in cars and trucks compared with 2005 levels by improving the efficiency of gasoline-powered vehicles and by relying more on cars that use alternative power sources, like electric batteries and biofuels.

Just days earlier a team of Stanford engineers published a proposal showing how New York State — not windy like the Great Plains, nor sunny like Arizona — could easily produce the power it needs from wind, solar and water power by 2030. In fact there was so much potential power, the researchers found, that renewable power could also fuel our cars.

‘It’s absolutely not true that we need natural gas, coal or oil — we think it’s a myth,’ said Mark Z. Jacobson, a professor of civil and environmental engineering and the main author of the study, published in the journal Energy Policy. ‘You could power America with renewables from a technical and economic standpoint. The biggest obstacles are social and political — what you need is the will to do it.'”

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Via Biblioklept, the oblivious studio notes on Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner.


“Blade Runner Blues,” by Vangelis:

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From the October 1, 1912 New York Times:

Paris–Ultra-smart Parisians in search of a novel sensation have discovered a new use for scent. Instead of using morphia, cocaine or caffeine, they now employ as a stimulant hypodermic injections of otto of rose and violet and cherry blossom perfumes. 

An actress was the first to try the new practice. She declared that forty-eight hour after the injection of the perfume known as ‘new mown hay’ her skin was saturated with the aroma.”

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