
You are currently browsing the archive for the Misc. category.

  • Yes, I Have A Dick Pic And Here’s Why I’m Not Ashamed Of It
  • Calvin Wank Allegedly Lives Up To Name At Love’s Truck Stop
  • Threesome With Homeless Man Turns Violent After Beef Taste-Test: Cops
  • Marijuana-Infused Vinaigrette Will Make Your Salad Super Chill
  • Donkeys Reunited At Polish Zoo After Sex Scandal
  • Hey, Wanna Buy An Amputated Leg In A Lamp?
  • Restaurant Selling Sex Toys With Burgers
  • Suspect Tells Cops Stabbing People ‘Better Than Doing Meth’
  • This Is What Breasts Really Look And Feel Like
  • Mom, 2 Teens Allegedly Draw 100-Yard Penis On Football Field


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. will obama resignate?
  2. ty cobb on a game show
  3. the transition from horses to automobiles
  4. the loss of biological diversity
  5. flossie the world’s oldest commercial computer
  6. jordanian camel driver in the u.s. southwest
  7. tyler cowen predicting who will prosper
  8. abraham lincoln early technology
  9. are fewer children being born today?
  10. john mcphee profile of euell gibbons


Same guy?

There was an obnoxious guy named Schein a year ahead of me in school who everyone beat up. This was back around 1980. The douche had a big mouth and would never admit that he was wrong about anything. Anyone else from Lawrence HS remember him?

Jeter fans, own a piece of history

I’m a locker room attendant at Camden Yards. When the Yankees were here last week, in the fifth inning of the final game Derek Jeter ran down to the locker room to use the restroom. He forgot to flush. He left a decent sized turd in the bowl, which I have retrieved, preserved, and lovingly encased in a glass case. I’ve had it tested and have a certificate of authenticity from a major sports auction house. Derek Jeter will never again drop a deuce in Baltimore as an active player. You can own the last number two left by number two ever at Camden Yards. Best offer over $5000.

pats hater???

hey, what’s up. i am looking for a pats hater to help a patriots fan make good on a pretty humiliating bet when down in nyc from mass. it’s all in good fun and you get some cash too. hit me up….

"It's all in good fun."

“It’s all in good fun.”


  • Barbie Doll Utters Curse Word, Mom Alleges
  • The Definitive Guide To Having Sex On Furniture
  • Man Allegedly Murders Fiance, Eats Her Brains
  • Papa Murphy’s Employee Admits Rubbing Scrotum On Pizza Was ‘Stupid’
  • Car Crash Caused By Burned Armpit Hair
  • ‘Blood Everywhere’ As Massive Brawl Breaks Out At Wedding
  • NSFW: This Is What Sex Looks Like Inside An MRI Scanner
  • ‘Survivor’ Has Been Very Cruel To Jeff Probst’s Privates
  • ‘Curly Sue’ Star Admits Battle With Alcoholism
  • Man Sorry For Tossing Drug-filled Football Into Prison


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. self-proclaimed messiah of los angeles
  2. mary todd lincoln sanity
  3. designer rudi gernreich’s futuristic vision
  4. aviation mogul sir freddie laker
  5. what happened to mime duo shields and yarnell?
  6. early attempt at talking pictures
  7. timex data link watches
  8. when did robert mcgee get scalped?
  9. big labor delaying automation
  10. cloning scandal of 1978
This week, John Boehner said unemployed Americans would rather "just sit around" and not not work. Hes right. People who just sit around and do nothing shouldnt be given free money.

This week, John Boehner said unemployed Americans would rather “just sit around” and not work. He has a point. People who just sit around and do nothing shouldn’t be given free money.















Back to the grind.

Back to the grind.


  • Contact between Earthlings and ETs would be very strange.
  • A Brief note from 1942 about dinner.
  • A brief note from 1886 about devotion.


i’m looking for a pregnant woman or a mother who has just given birth that is producing a lot of milk.

How to Have a Successful Life (Training Program) (SCARSDALE)

If you are willing to put in the effort to read books, listen to audios, and attend events, then consider joining our organization.

You will embark on a journey that will open your eyes to the secrets that are not shared with the general public and these secrets will help you to be do and have anything and everything you want in life.

I am a member of our organization and will be upgrading to the next level very soon. Its exciting what I have learned and I decided to post this for anyone out there seeking a change of life.

To become a member, it is $500 up front and $150 monthly dues.

Now some of you think that is too much money. I thought so for a while and didn’t join. Then I budgeted and realized that there are some things that I can do without for now. Because really in the end, this material is teaching me to create my life the way I want it and Its worth it to me to learn the material because no one else is going to help me get what I want.

I have already begun to witness some circumstances that have made my life better and It keeps getting better and better. Im very excited about the future and Im grateful for all that I have now.

Please contact me via email and ask me any questions you may have. We can discuss anything. Those who decide to join, I would be glad to sponsor them. As such, we would be in communication with each other and hopefully meet each other.

Tums tablets – $10 (Lower East Side)

This is a weird ad. But I bought some TUMS not too long ago because I was having upset stomach problems, hoping this would help. It didn’t really work for me, no idea why. So I have no need for this. Got it for $17, it’s yours for $10. I probably took maybe 4 at most out of the bottle. I’ll be more than happy to let you sample before you buy so you know it’s the real deal.

  • Why Women Of All Ages Are Going Bare ‘Down There’
  • Weird Link Found Between Men’s Faces And Semen Quality
  • Gravedigger Suspended After Taking Photo With Dead Man
  • A Woman Is A Home For A Penis???
  • Man Stabs Roommate For Being Loud During Threesome: Cops
  • Tuxedoed Man Shoots At Couple Who Interrupts Oral Sex: Cops
  • Mom Let Child Drive Because She Was Drunk: Cops
  • Missing Mom Found Alive, Was Kept In Cage For 2 Months: Police
  • Man Puts Girlfriend’s Toddler Son In Dryer, Turns It On: Cops
  • Why I Want My Sons To See Me Naked



10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. cartrivison first vcr 1970
  2. how do you sell your mustache?
  3. jonathan franzen writing about smartphones
  4. carl sagan smoking weed
  5. the monkees 1968 movie head
  6. steve mann world’s first cyborg
  7. oilman h.l. hunt
  8. jean harris trial
  9. discussion between david graeber and thomas piketty
  10. when was joe louis an adviser to muhammad ali?
This week, the Palin family decided to rent a car.

This week, the Palin family tried Uber for the first time.

  • Peter Thiel thinks Uber is America’s most ethically challenged company.
  • Facebook seeks to automate the management of human relationships.
  • Mont Blanc, dangerous as it is, is overrun with climbers.
  • Bill Gates wants to change history education in America.
  • Tesla believes it can achieve fully autonomous cars in 5 or 6 years.
  • RadioShack is still somehow clinging to life–for now.
  • David Lynch is painterly though he never studied paintings.
  • Tesla Motors already has amazing brand loyalty. Why?

Why can’t I find a stoner to smoke me and my girl out? – 29 (New Rochelle)

So tired of being sober. My girl don’t smoke but I do. I am looking for a stoner to smoke me out. I am a very easy guy to get along with. I am open minded. Looking for women really but guys can respond as well. My girl lets me mess around with other girls as well. I have pipes and bongs just lack the smoke. So if you are looking for a fun loving guy to smoke with hit me up.

Time Travel wanted

Looking for a way to travel or send information into the past. Please help.

BEDBUGS FOR MALICE – $30 (Bedstuy Bushwick)

Hi! New York can be a pretty difficult place to live! As they say, if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere!

I’ve lived here almost a full calendar year, and have found that it’s super difficult to keep positive. There are so many things trying to keep you down – the subway track work, craigslist roommate scams, reappearing enemies from college, ex girlfriends finding out your account info…That said, I recently moved into a room that happens to be infested with bedbugs. Luckily for me, I’m not allergic, and barely notice them. My girlfriend, however, is blaming me for HER infestation, even though it’s totally NOT. MY. FAULT. I really didn’t know we had them, and by the time we found it, it was too late. She broke up with me. Unfortunately she was also my boss, so I need to find a new job.

So, I’m trying to make my challenges and hardships work FOR me instead of AGAINST me. I need some extra ca$h, and if I can help-a-bruthah out while I’m doin it, the more the merrier!

I’m aware that it’s impossible to live in this city without fucking someone over. So, I am selling my bedbugs and bedbug eggs for people to use against people. You can let it roam in their bag, their home, etc etc. I am simply selling bedbugs, how you use them is your business.

I will package them up so that they both a) live and b) stay in their container.

  • Man Allegedly Admits To Putting Semen In Co-Worker’s Coffee
  • Vegas Trio Hid Stolen Rolexes In Vaginas: Cops
  • Father Of 34 Children Explains Why He Didn’t Get A Vasectomy
  • Penis = $$$
  • Teen Marries Dog To Ward Off Curse
  • Day Care Workers Fired After Encouraging Toddlers To Fight (VIDEO)
  • MURDER MOST FOWL! Police Chief Decapitates Boy’s Pet Chicken
  • Man Helps Elderly Woman Rescue Cats, Then Stabs Her To Death: Cops
  • Man Charged With Baking Friend’s Dog To Death In Oven
  • Nope, Betty White Is Not Dead


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. thomas mann interview in the new york times 1955
  2. british taxi driver george king who went to mars
  3. joan didion writing about newt gingrich
  4. why did egypt become the cradle of civilization?
  5. p.w. singer on cyberwar
  6. steve jobs on computers in the classroom
  7. footage of earthworm robots
  8. tv appearances by gloria swanson in her later years
  9. helen gurley brown interview
  10. manfred clynes who coined the term cyborg
As sad as it was that Joan Rivers passed away this week, perhaps it's best she didn't revive. After not getting any oxygen to her brain for five or ten minutes, she likely would have been a...

As sad as it is that Joan Rivers passed away this week, perhaps it’s best she didn’t revive. After not getting any oxygen to her brain for several minutes, she likely would have been little more than a…


  • Watson has moved from providing known answers to the unknown.
  • We probably need to redefine the meaning of “job.”
  • Globalization has caused income inequality to rise within nations.
  • Chuck Todd isn’t sure that President Obama is emotionally disengaged.
  • Štefan Klein has designed an honest-to-goodness flying car.
  • Peter Thiel thinks we’ve lost our edge technologically.
  • A brief note from 1911 about a bad meal.

Odd Request (queens)

I know this may seem odd, however i am giving it a try. My coke dealer has gone MIA and I need a new one to purchase my supply.

Is there anyone out there?

P.S. I understand the need for discretion so please let me know if you can recommend anyone.


“Serious inquiries only.”

I want to sell my soul!! I AM SERIOUS! – $9999999 (anywhere)

I AM SERIOUS! I want to sell my soul.

I am SHOCKED that in all of NYC there isn’t one person who can contact Satan and have him get in touch with me. He can reply to this email.

I have a “soul” and it’s up for sale to the highest bidder. Man or devil, I don’t care which!

I want CASH! I will accept a life time of living in rich luxury with a beautiful (by MY standards) WOMAN in lieu of a cash payment.

Serious inquiries only. If you are serious, I will reply shortly.

  • The Lipstick Shade That Will Get You Excited For Fall
  • This Bride Drunkenly Ordering Taco Bell Is Our New Idol
  • Porn Stars Let Fans Squeeze Breasts For Charity
  • Inmate Overdosed On Methadone-Soaked Underwear: Officials
  • Cops Say Couple High On Meth Posed For Selfies With Dead Friend
  • Teacher Disciplined For Tweeting She Wanted To Stab Students
  • Man Has Kept All His Nail Clippings In A Jar — Since ’78!
  • Rapper Takes The Ice Bucket Challenge… With Marijuana
  • This Is What It’s Like To Be A Pizza
  • Badass Lady Taxidermist Stuffs Her Animals And Eats Them


10 recent search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. where is the former mtv veejay kennedy now?
  2. john c lilly talking to dolphins with apple computers
  3. what did charles bukowski think about democracy?
  4. rudolph valentino’s funeral service
  5. douglas rushkoff on the nature of time in the digital age
  6. famous mazie from the bowery nyc
  7. kevin kelly comparing behavior in insects and humans
  8. william shocley’s controversial theories on IQ
  9. marvin minsky writing about telepresence
  10. old newspaper stories about calamity jane
This week, President Obama was surprised to be criticized for his tan suit since previous Presidents have worn the same and hung out with cross-dressing men.

This week, Republicans became enraged when President Obama dared to wear tan skin to a press briefing. I mean, it couldn’t have been the suit, right?

  • Automation will destroy jobs and–perhaps–the middle class.
  • Death is now just another part of the stream of information.
  • Nick Bostrom thinks humans can survive anything apart from our creations.
  • The political dynamics in the Middle East are shifting in surprising ways.
  • Mars One is a wacky way to colonize space.
  • Craig Venter sees commercialization of science as a necessity.
  • David Lynch knows mid-sized movies are not having a moment.
  • Freak shows were a part of American life long before Barnum.
  • Tesla and GM are in a great race to create an affordable EV.


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