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This week, Mike Huckabee, a personal friend of God, announced he was considering running for President during a visit to a firing range, which is what Jesus would have done.

This week, Mike Huckabee, personal friend of God, announced at a firing range that he might run for President, which is what Jesus would have wanted.

Ive got you back, Mikey.

Let’s eff some shit up, Mikey.


  • Moral philosopher Peter Singer discusses altruism on Reddit and Gawker.
  • Wikipedia is striving to remain relevant in a shifting landscape.
  • Robots and human workers make a great team. For now.
  • Facebook wants you to be able to experience anything. Is that good?
  • Noam Chomsky doesn’t believe news has benefited by media’s decentralization.
  • Airbnb rapidly set up shop in computer-challenged Cuba. How?
  • Could we rebuild after an apocalypse sans fossil fuels? Perhaps.

O-negative blood

I have O-negative blood willing to sell. 34age 5/9ht 155wt. Active and healthy life style.


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. why does freeman dyson admire edward snowden?
  2. james salter article about vladimir nabokov
  3. recollections of late actor taylor negron
  4. what books does george saunders suggest?
  5. lee harvey oswald as a child
  6. manson follower susan atkins
  7. spiro agnew wristwatches
  8. mathew brady civil war photographer
  9. article about the work of moshe feldenkrais
  10. is it okay to buy a used vibrator?


Something strange happened to me last night (32/f)

I levitated.

I awoke out of a sound sleep at about 3:00 a.m. to find my nose an inch away from the ceiling. I thought I was dreaming, but no. I was wide awake and in some sort of paralysis. Then I suddenly came crashing down to my bed. It made so much notice that my Mother and Brother woke up and pounded at my door. I might be possessed.

It’s @Afflictort. Just click the FOLLOW button on the upper-left-hand side of this page. All of the new stuff will be there along with some older posts added in. Everyone’s welcome.

It’s @Afflictort. Just click the FOLLOW button on the upper-left-hand side of this page. All of the new stuff will be there along with some older posts added in. Everyone’s welcome.

“I had my vasectomy 2 years ago.”

“I had my vasectomy 2 years ago.”

My public confession – 35 (Dyker Heights)

I’m married, I have 3 absolutely gorgeous kids (think model material) and a very nice family. I had my vasectomy 2 years ago. It’s impossible to tell. Since my vasectomy, I’ve gotten stronger, healthier and improved sex drive.

I have an acquaintance. She’s married and they’ve been trying to conceive for a long time. They went to get tested for abnormalities. She tested fine but something was wrong with his swimmers. For whatever reason, in vitro was a failure 3 times and they could no longer afford it. I’ve always been an open ear for her, I don’t know her husband personally, I’ve seen him once.

A year ago she proposed that I inseminate her. I wasn’t sure if she wanted me to do my business in a dixie cup and give it to her or “give it to her” I didn’t want to mention my vasectomy. This was supposed to become our little secret. Eventually we ended up sleeping together. The first time was very awkward. Each subsequent “try” became more and more comfortable. It’s been almost a year and I asked if her eggs had any problems. Dr. said she had one blocked tube but it shouldn’t interfere with dropping eggs from the other side. So I’ve been shooting blanks into her. She loves my kids, she thinks they’re gorgeous and I’m betting she wishes I could give her one too. I’m going to keep up the charade until she says stop. Meanwhile I’m getting some on a regular basis. I’m glad since the wife hasn’t been that interested in sex as of late.

"She loves my kids."

“She loves my kids.”

Fucked my eyebrows! (Brooklyn)

I’m a guy and I groom my eyebrows. I know it’s a kinda feminine but a lot of guys are doing it these days so don’t get on my case. Anyway, I noticed they were uneven went to trimming away. The right side was fine so I concentrated mostly on my left side and boom, my hand moved suddenly, and it took a large chunk off. I had to make it thinner on both sides to make it look decent. But now I look like I drew my eyebrows with a marker. And to make things worse, I said maybe I should trim them down so it will blend it once it starts growing back. Now my eyebrows look like I painted them on with eyeliner. This shit has never happened to me. I’m so embarrassed. I’m probably gonna have to take the entire week off and not go out at all until my eyebrows start look normal again. Stupid shit keeps happening to me. I hate my fucking life!

Help needed solving this odd mystery! (Hopewell Junction)

Local authorities are stumped and are seeking any information that can help solve this strange occurrence. In the early mornings, in the vicinity of Rte. 216 and Stormville Rd. they are getting complaints of loud “Madonna music”. What makes these claims even more bizarre, is that they supposedly only hear the music between 5:45 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. and, odder yet, only 5 days a week. “We’ve never heard any other music. It is always Madonna and it is never heard at any other times except that time period,” one local resident, wishing to remain anonymous claimed. So far the theory that seems most plausible is that the music is carrying from another location, as the area is very wide open. Also a popular theory is that it is prankster using some form of “device,” to make the music sound as though it is coming from that area. The claims that the music has never been heard on a Monday or Wednesday morning, also has investigators leaning toward it being some form of ruse. Paranormal experts have not yet been contacted but one local, who has heard the music many times and finds it quite annoying, quipped, “If that is what it takes then fine. I really don’t care just as long as this nonsense stops!” Anyone with any information please feel free to contact local authorities.

  • Are Breasts In America Really Getting Bigger?
  • Now You Can Send Someone A Bag Of Dicks
  • Man Tried To Sell Duct-Taped Iguanas Dangling From Bike: Cops
  • Nude Sunbather, 77, Promises To Wear Trunks
  • A Very NSFW History Of Video Game Penises
  • Surgeon And Wife Hosted Drug-Fueled Sex Parties: Cops
  • Antarctica Scientist Is World’s Southernmost Sex Offender
  • Kentucky Smells
  • And The Average Penis Size Is…
  • 7 Ways To Boost Your Happiness In Under A Minute


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. a modern interpretation of bob & carol & ted & alice
  2. 1000 IQ through genetic engineering
  3. the ferris wheel vs. the eiffel tower
  4. ask me anything computer pioneer douglas engelbart
  5. adnan masud syed and alan dershowitz
  6. olivetti first desktop personal computer programma 101
  7. thomas mann interview new york times
  8. henry kissinger and bobby fischer
  9. lewis cohen chess prodigy
  10. buster keaton riding a pedal-less dandy horse
This week, Vladimir Putin announced that he's invited Kim Jong-un to Russian next month, which makes them the second most evil duo in the world.

This week, Kim Jong-un was invited to Russia by Vladimir Putin, making them the second most evil duo in the world.

  • Billionaire Libertarians want to live in the middle of the ocean. I vote “yes.”
  • Co-bots don’t want to completely eliminate human workers–for now.
  • We love futuristic tools yet fear the future. Why?
"Good evening, ladies."

“Good evening, ladies.”

Women Needed For Focus Group (Manhattan)

Good evening ladies. I work for a hosiery company that would like your honest and sincere opinion on pantyhose and stockings. This focus group will consist of 5 women who wear sheer pantyhose at least 2x per week. We need your likes, dislikes, and opinions about hosiery. The event will last about an hour and pays 50 dollars. Again, this focus group needs women who wear sheer pantyhose at least 2x per week and use pantyhose as part of their wardrobe. Thank you.

  • Injured McDonald’s Worker Told To Treat Burns With Condiments
  • Akron Poopetrator Craps On At Least 19 Cars
  • Pregnant Woman Hid 89 Heroin Packets In Vagina: Police
  • Tourists Apparently Filmed A Porno At The Pyramids (NSFW)
  • ‘Terminator’ Star Shares A Detailed Explanation Of Using A ‘Cock Sock’
  • Man’s Penis ‘Snaps’ During Sex (NSFW)
  • Squirrel Uses A Fork Just Like Any Other Polite Squirrel Would
  • Mom Says Bananas Were Infested With Spiders That Can Cause Hours-Long Erections
  • I’m A Sex Worker, And Dating Is Awkward
  • Doctors Successfully Transplant Penis In South Africa

Just Looking

Straight 30 year old male wondering where all the fun couples are. I’ve tried this before and had some success. I would like to Watch a couple together. JUST WATCH. If your interested in more we can discuss. Must be clean ddf and laid back. Please discreet and able to host in the area. If interested message back with header “watch us” and attach a face pic and I will return one and we can go from there. Be real and don’t waste my time.


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. agatha christie vanished in 1926
  2. who sells vagina pinatas?
  3. automated office 1970s
  4. hunting birds from airplanes
  5. matt bai article on gary hart
  6. bitcoin-only cafe prague
  7. wilt chamberlain boxing
  8. marilyn chambers interview tom snyder
  9. rudolph valentino funeral
  10. dan wakefield 1968 review joan didion’s slouching towards bethlehem

This week, Senate Republicans upped the ante and mailed a puppy to ISIS.


Welcome to Syria, Mr. Butterscotch.

But I wanted a kitty cat.




  • Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who got us all spammed, did an AMA at Reddit.
  • Google wants you to search for cat videos and porn for 500 years.
  • Dan Pfeiffer, who planted President Obama between two ferns, leaves his post.
  • Zoltan Istvan, Transhumanist Presidential candidate, is ready to debate.
  • David Graeber looks at the influence of mail systems (snail and e-) in history.
  • Space colonies will require not only big money, but also huge political will.
  • In 1977, Richard Dawkins believed humans were “robot vehicles.”

Weirdo In McDonald’s (East Village) 

I was in McDonald’s in October, I think, at night, in 2012. I had my computer with a photo of Davy Jones of the Monkees as wallpaper. You (female, looked like a kid), came in, ordered your food, sat down at the far table, then asked me if I went around possessing people, and I asked if you were for real. Since then, I have made some startling revelations. Would like to know why you asked me that, then I will tell what has happened since then. Please e-mail me.

diaper play

Hi, im a young guy looking to get Into diaper fun. I get turned on from the the thought of diapers. Wearing them, using them, and all that. Im looking for ppl who share the same interest or are open-minded enough to wanna get into it.

My Life’s Work (Upper East Side)

I’m selling:

  • My unpublished novel: Death by MURDER, a psychological thriller with erotica.
  • Plans for a free energy device – I can prove they’re mine.
  • The short story “No Limits,” which explores true defiance in a child.
  • An idea for producing temporary zero gravity on land – primarily for amusement parks.
  • An idea for an automotive sensor to help in high speed maneuvering.
  • An idea for a piece of self-changing artwork.
  • Several ideas for scenarios in erotic novels / movies.
  • Several ideas for erotic devices.
  • The true novel Seven Years in Korea – I have notes but I will record the full stories on tape – it is the heartwarming and sometimes hilarious account of an American teaching English in South Korea.

It’s not a joke, it’s not a scam, I’m tired of red tape, I’m tired of not having enough money for research and development, and I am definitely tired of not having enough money to go to the doctor when I’m sick and hoping that it’s nothing serious. I’ve got gold here, but I don’t have the tools or the strength to mine it.

We’ll have our lawyers meet, draw up papers, and get it done. I’m asking $3,000,000.00 USD. For all this, for the movie deals that could follow, for the sales from the devices, this is a steal.


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. august engelhardt founded new guinea utopia
  2. plastic surgeon who married his patient
  3. american mcmansions
  4. otto and george filthy ventriloquist act
  5. what was captain henry wirz like
  6. dallas cowboys and the computer revolution
  7. x-rated pulp fiction by john cleve
  8. mazie phillips from the bowery
  9. pooper scooper dog law
  10. are there any neanderthals left on earth?

This week, the Supreme Court began deliberating whether we’d return to our old healthcare system.

Still four dollars a perc.

Welcome back, bitches. Percs are still $4 a pop.


  • Yuval Noah Harari and Daniel Kahneman discuss the end of death.
  • Zoltan Istvan thinks Strong AI is a pressing national-security issue.
  • Gene therapy could be used to eliminate disease or design babies.
  • Wall Street Journal Middle East reporter Yaroslav Trofimov did an AMA
  • A brief note from 1867 about a retort.
  • A brief note from 1934 about a quitter.

If I can help you in Africa to buy diamonds will u invest in me? – $250000 (The Real Deal)

From years of experience and operating in remote places, with the right sources, I can be a valuable partner.

Option 1. 50/50 partnership and I star making us a profit month 1.

Option 2. Strait investment loan and I make you 3% per Month

Do not miss on this oppt please.


To the low life scumbag who stole my craftsman snowblower between 10 pm on 3-1-15 and 3-2-15….. i will never stop hunting you down………i pray to god that every person you’ve ever known………….dies of penis or vagina cancer…….and to all of your unborn family and friends….may they look and live like the elephant man…………..cursed for eternity…………….my black magic will forever hold you in the belly of despair, hell, turmoil, death and pain.

  • The Neuroscience Of Marijuana Munchies
  • My Vagina Is All Over The Place
  • How Unleashing The Power Of The Clitoris Could Change The World
  • The Mistake You’re Almost Definitely Making With Scrambled Eggs
  • Floating Strip Club Accused Of Dumping Poop Into Harbor
  • Man Who Believes He Is A ‘Werewolf’ Who Killed A ‘Vampire’ Found Guilty Of Murder
  • Mom Kicked Daughter While Drunk On Hand Sanitizer: Cops
  • Man, 28, Accused Of Assaulting 92-Year-Old Girlfriend
  • High School Football Player Accused Of Torturing, Killing Emu At Party
  • Man Who Tried To Have Sex With Mailbox Found Dead

My social security check is wet.

You got my social security check wet.

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