Donald Trump: The best argument yet for steep inheritance taxes.
In addition to being an unsightly, orange-headed goof who ridicules the looks of attractive women, Donald Trump is unintelligent, bigoted and delusional. A couple of examples.
Cher recently poked fun at the racist, sexist buffoon, so he tweeted about her.
Donald J. Trump @realDonalTrump
.@cher should spend more time focusing on her family and dying career!
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
.@cher–I don’t wear a “rug”—it’s mine. And I promise not to talk about your massive plastic surgeries that didn’t work.
Hmm, what could “focusing on her family” mean? It would seem to be a potshot at Chaz Bono who was born female and had sexual-reassignment surgery. As if Chaz is transgender because of some failing of Cher as a mother. As if anyone who doesn’t fit into the so-called mainstream is somehow less of a person, an occasion to point fingers at a “culprit.” My assumption is that Chaz is more of a man that Donald Trump will ever be. And Donald Trump shouldn’t make make fun of anyone’s cosmetic surgeries. I’m pretty sure he’s the only one in his family with large, natural tits.
But Donald Trump isn’t only delusional about celebrity Twitter feuds. He also thinks he’s bright enough to fool someone about his campaign of bigotry against our first African-American President.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Why do so many people say I hate President Obama—I don’t hate the President at all. I just disagree with his policies!
But, of course, no one is buying this bullshit. Demanding that the President provide his birth certificate (after he already had) is the Birther’s racist way of disqualifying Obama, saying that he is “other” and not “one of us.” It had nothing to do with policy. Repeatedly ordering Obama to release his school transcripts has nothing to do with policy. It’s a means to suggest that the President got where he is not by effort, talent and intelligence but because of Affirmative Action. It’s meant to demean him and diminish anyone African-American who achieves. (Donald Trump, who inherited money, land and connections from his father, is actually the one who received a head start in life that he didn’t deserve.) And saying that the President is “not smart” has nothing to do with policy.
Donald Trump pretending his hateful attacks on the President are about “policy” is just him trying to backtrack from his disgraceful behavior not because of remorse but because of expediency. He should not be allowed to do so.

John Wilkes Booth: Why, I didn’t hate President Lincoln at all. We just debated in a theater balcony once.

Leon Czolgosz: There was no dispute with President McKinley. I merely playfully rubbed his belly with my gun.

Squeaky: President Ford and I were tight. We were just horsing around.