Afflictor Nation: Welcome Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Trinidad and Tobago and Oman!

Kim Jong-il and his lackeys look to the skies, hoping to prevent the arrival of Afflictor.

Yesterday’s traffic numbers tell us that Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Trinidad and Tobago and Oman had citizens visit the idiot site known as Afflictor for the first time, lowering those countries to our level the way many great nations and some really sketchy ones before them have. Of course, that means there’s pretty much only one goal left for us: North Korea.

We’ve broken through a lot of walls during the site’s existence, even scoring quite a bit of traffic from that censorship-crazy superpower known as China, but North Korea, which the horrible regime of Kim Jong-il has turned into a godawful hellhole, has evaded us.  Perhaps the one place on Earth where George Orwell’s 1984 came true, North Korea, under the creepy overlord Kim, is unhealthy, dangerous and oppressive in almost every way. Since the country is in near-total lockdown, it is tough for Afflictor to permeate.

So, if you have a kindly aunt in North Korea with a dial-up modem, please ask her to head for our URL. Sooner or later, you will fall under our spell, North Korea, and become part of Afflictor Nation!