Highlights From Yet Another Week Of Afflictor

This week, Donald Trump answered Khizr Khan's charges that the GOP nominee hadn't made any sacrifices for his country, pointing out that he had seen action in many bunkers.

This week, Donald Trump answered Khizr Khan’s charges that the GOP nominee hadn’t made any sacrifices for America, saying he’s repeatedly seen action in bunkers.



  • Ray Kurzweil thinks better tools are making the world seem worse than it is.
  • The Economist explains why Cleveland, Silicon Valley 1.0, foundered.
  • Brain chips may soon make us smarter but perhaps not morally superior.
  • Rob Rhinehart, Soylent beverage creator, is living off the grid in L.A.
  • The VCR, which helped the masses become programmers, is no more.
  • Miss Cleo, the Ron Popeil of psychic powers, just died