This week, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder was further criticized after introducing his point man on fixing the Flint water crisis.
- In 1993, Timothy Leary & Billy Idol talked cyberspace’s ramifications.
- Ricky Jay practices magic in the same sense that Benjamin Franklin flew kites.
- Alphabet’s sci-fi CEO Larry Page is unorthodox by any measure.
- Reed Hastings thinks engineered humans will compete with Intelligent AI.
- GM has seemingly outfoxed Tesla thus far in the affordable EV market.
- Kim Stanley Robinson details the difficulties of colonizing the Milky Way.
- Caleb Scharf explores the origins and future of Astrobiology.
- The 21st-century may be the last one ruled by Homo sapiens.
- Singularitarians hope for a “digital heaven” where our minds can be uploaded.
- To some Transhumanists, sleep is a “disease” that needs to be cured.
- Steven Levy has a look inside mission control of Google driverless.
- Wearables and the IoT will create an unsettling market for our health data.
- The boon and bane of future technologies are being discussed at Davos.
- The Automation Paradox may allow for more robot and human workers.
- With a gray, homogenous population, Japan needs a robot revolution.
- Fangraphs details how baseball is trying to create next-level data.
- Earthquake prediction can be serious science or outright quackery.
- Algorithms are being used to predict which kids will be criminals.
- Old Print Article: Barnum Brown, Fossil Hunter. (1930)
- Old Print Article: Film star Mabel Normand dead at 37. (1930)
- A brief note from 1894 about a cult of naked Fruitarians.
- A brief note from 1909 about flying bicycles.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches.