This week, after the revelation of his disturbing “grab them by the pussy” remarks, Donald Trump went to desperate lengths to convince people he still has female supporters.
- Graydon Carter considers Donald Trump in this Baba Booey of an election.
- Virginia Heffernan analyzes the Howard Stern-Donald Trump dynamic.
- Michael Che of SNL thinks Trump isn’t a racist ignoramus. That is wrong.
- Gary Hart, who may have reversed the Reagan Revolution, talks the election.
- David Letterman didn’t address Trump’s bigotry when he had the chance.
- Julian Assange could have been useful despite himself. That did not occur.
- Margaret Atwood and Richard Dawkins consider our future, if we have one.
- Our minds may become an “amalgam between brain and device.”
- Elon Musk thinks disseminating knowledge about AI will make the world safer.
- Automated-weapon systems might enable a robotic Cold War.
- Some geneticists believe humans will never age beyond 115.
- George Plimpton’s participatory sports journalism is reconsidered.
- Old Print Article: A misbegotten baby show is staged at Midget Hall. (1877)
- A brief note from 1891 about a gloomy entertainer.
- A brief note from 1931 about truth serum.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches: Douglas Engelbart, Stanley Milgram.