This week, Donald Trump was trounced at the first Presidential debate. He quickly blamed the microphone, and he was right.
- Edward Luce looks at the U.S. Presidential race, a sort of Reality TV show.
- Freeman Dyson writes of Space Race 2.0 and a biotech version of Noah’s Ark.
- Economist Tyler Cowen opines on the Internet, biotech, war, AI, etc.
- Ryan Avent discusses the future of work in a highly automated world.
- Zume Pizzeria is using robots rather than humans to prepare pies.
- Lawrence Summers wonders if male worker are dinosaurs.
- Many think the world is going to hell when data says the opposite is true. Why?
- Elon Musk’s proposed Mars mission reflects on society as well as science.
- One issue with Musk’s space ambitions is that “Mars is not prime real estate.”
- It’s possible the Digital Age will necessitate a new New Deal.
- Technology needn’t run amok to result in a chilling scenario.
- Old Print Article: Raymond Orteig sparks aviation development. (1927)
- A brief note from 1886 about a plasterer who sold his wife and five children.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches: “130-year-old man Charlie Smith.”