Highlights From Yet Another Week Of Afflictor

This week,

This week, talk show host Jimmy Fallon was criticized for humanizing Donald Trump, a racist troglodyte who mocks disabled people and POWs. It was reminiscent of his interview with Idi Amin.

Thank you for having me on your show.

Thank you for inviting me on your show, Jimmy.

It's great to have you. Are those friends of yours in the green room?

It’s great to have you. What have you been up to lately?

Thank you for having me on your show.

I’ve been torturing to death my political enemies and eating soup made from their severed, boiled heads.

That's so much fun. I'm a foodie, too. Your great. Everyone's great. I don't drink too much. There are no problems. Now lets play Karaoke contest together.

That’s so much fun. I’m a foodie, too. You’re great. Everyone’s great. I don’t drink too much. There are no problems. Now let’s play beer pong with Busy Phillips.



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